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Pathway to Collecting Retroactive Cookie Rewards

Cookie Rewards will remain available retroactively back to the day we launched TBC on March 21st, 2016 until the end of this current coin network.  A lack of patience has got in the way of some people that wanted to redeem their Cookie Rewards.  I do understand both sides of this particular situation.  Some faithful TBC Members tried to redeem their Cookie Rewards, but unfortunately their Seller did not remain in good standing with the TBC community.  The redemption process of Cookie Rewards requires the Trusted Seller to confirm the purchases of their Buyers.  I understand how some Sellers have lost interest in TBC during this early time of our develop and have chosen to pursue other opportunities.  I’m sure many of the contributors of the early (pre-2010) Bitcoin development team lost interest in Bitcoin before a guy proved you could actually buy pizza using Bitcoin.  It takes a long vision for a pioneer to hang in there through all the bumps in the road.  As far as I’m concerned, these Sellers that lost interest are simply inactive for now and we would gladly welcome them back into activity.  In the mean time, there are a bunch of Buyers that are anxious to collect the Cookie Rewards they deserve.  So, it is necessary to give these Buyers a clear pathway to do so, with some caveats.
Since the original Seller is no longer able or willing to help their Buyers collect their Cookie Rewards, these Buyers need to find a willing Trusted Seller to stand in for them.  Now Buyers, this does not put you into a position to make demands upon any Trusted Seller to help you in this matter.  The caveat is you should be willing to properly compensate a Trusted Seller to assist you.  Don’t go to a Trusted Seller empty handed.  You obviously paid at least $100 to the original Seller that has left you hanging since then.  Ultimately a $100 purchase allows you to acquire 1 full TBC coin.  I’m sure most Trusted Sellers would be willing to assist you if you purchased at least $50 of TBC from them.  If you paid $50 now, and had purchased $100 before, then that would entitle you to $150 worth of Cookie Rewards.  That’s a WIN/WIN for both of you.  There are hundreds and soon to be thousands of Trusted Sellers that have their Send buttons turned ON.  You can find active Trusted Sellers by going here:

Interview a couple of them and find one that suits you best. In fact, this could lead to a new partnership. This is a solid solution to this particular situation.

One of the things I have noticed within the TBC community is the heavy tax on time some TBC Leaders have paid without proper compensation.  TBC is so different and unique that it really does take an open mind time and study to grasp what it is.  Leaders in TBC have invested countless hours studying TBC until they figured out how to unlock the MONEY in their TBC wallets.  None of us have a “Cash Out” button, and some of us just have a Send button.  I’d say that better than half the Members that have a Send button today, don’t know how to use it to get paid.  I’ll be writing an article soon about the importance of partnering before you try selling.  Why do some Members have sales everyday, while others only complete sales once in a while?  Consider what I am saying here seriously.  The blind should not be leading the blind.  Just because you have a question, doesn’t mean you can make demands upon any of our TBC Leaders to answer you.  This blog should contain most of the answers you would seek on the subject of TBC, and the blog does come with a keyword search feature in the top right side of it.  Plus, at the bottom right side is a Translate button if English is not your primary language.  It’s not wise to turn to social media for answers to your questions, because all you get there is a random set of opinions towards inquiries.  Go to the source, when seeking answers.  If you want a hand up, go to a TBC Leader for some assistance, just don’t go to them empty-handed.  Last year I wrote an article called Common Cents Leadership and the pun was intended.  Be willing to compensate people for their time spent helping you.  Some TBC Leaders have started to put together their own TBC training programs and charge an admission fee for it.  That’s a third party program, and that is fine.  Just look at all the third party programs built around Bitcoin.  Technically, all the training you would every need, when it comes to selling TBC, can be found inside of your Kringle Cash back office if you want it through video.  But if you want something with the personal touch of a TBC Leader, where the training is interactive, be open to the idea of compensating that Leader one way or another.  Their wisdom and know-how came at a price, and they paid it, so you should be willing to do likewise.


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